IndustrieWert GmbH is an internationally operating, owner-managed industrial service provider. With the expertise gathered from over twenty five years of experience in consulting and utilisation as an expert and auctioneer for industry, trade and commerce, and especially broad industrial knowledge for the best services and excellent results, also in specific areas, we are a valuable partner to our clients.
Our services include both sales of entire companies as well as individual industrial plant and machinery from site, evaluation and inventory under the various aspects of liquidation, going concern or credit protection, and the implementation of national and international industrial auctions.
Thanks to our many years of experience, our highly motivated and very well co-ordinated team has excellent contacts to key decision-makers in SMEs and corporations, to insolvency administrators and banks. For corporate sales, we have excellent contacts through numerous international transactions to a global buyer network. Our database with national and international addresses enables a targeted approach to potential buyers for auctions according to GDPDR.

With maximum confidentiality, reliability, integrity and respect
In addition to the extensive sectoral expertise in all aspects of consulting, valuation and sale, the professional preparation of the documents, the suitable approach to potential buyers, right up to optimum organisation and execution of a project are also of the utmost importance to us. This is equally true for small and very large processes and is employed specifically for the maximum benefit of our customers.
With a high degree of confidentiality, reliability, integrity and respect in dealing with clients, buyers and employees of the companies, our employees take the utmost care in providing for an efficient and successful outcome in your favour.
Conviction and responsibility
With the introduction of a standardised quality management system under DIN EN ISO 9001, all core processes were reviewed, optimised and certified. The quality management system is aimed at the continuous improvement of all relevant processes and is continuously updated.
Out of conviction and a sense of responsibility, as a service provider for insolvency administrators, IndustrieWert GmbH is committed to the “Principles of Proper Insolvency Administration” (Grundsätze ordnungsgemäßer Insolvenzverwaltung, GOI) of the VID, Verband Insolvenzverwalter Deutschlands eV (Registered Association of lnsolvency Administrators).
We take the protection of the personal data of our customers, users and visitors on our website as well as registered bidders and recipients of the newsletter seriously and comply with the provisions of the Federal Data Protection Act and the European Data Protect Basic Regulation. In our Privacy Policy, you will be informed about the processing of personal data.
Your success - the success of our clients - is reflected not least in the result, which also forms the basis for the calculation of our fees, which are mostly performance-based.

Over 25 years of experience
IndustrieWert GmbH offers its clients extensive know-how and professional consulting services. With the expertise gained through over twenty five years of experience as an expert and auctioneer for industry, trade and commerce, and an extensive pool of specialists for best services and excellent results, even in specific areas, sectors or tasks.
Our management and staff have many years of exceptionally wide-ranging experience and have successfully carried out well over 4,000 industrial auctions, plant sales, closures and liquidations. Our database-driven distribution system is used for targeted approach to potential buyers right in the market.
So that we can also maintain our high level of service in the future and meet the demand of our clients for qualified services, our employees regularly take part in training and further training measures. The trust that our employees have built up in all sectors over the years of work through their professional qualifications and ethical conduct forms the basis for the excellent partnership with our clients. Together with you, we develop solutions for the tasks set - competently, efficiently and to your benefit.